Hello, I'm Tia. I'm an independent New York Licensed massage therapist who specializes in Medical Massage, therapeutic Lomi Lomi massage, Thai Massage, Myofascial Release and Ayurvedic Shirodhara treatment. Read my bio & trainings here.
Tiare in Tahitian language means Gardenia flower. Due to its fragrance, It is used to mix with coconut oil to create Manoi massage oil.
I traveled to each country of massage origin to master the authentic techniques unique to each style. I started Lomi Lomi massage training in Hawaii in 2012. The style of Lomi Lomi massage I practice is called Temple style, Kahuna bodywork or Pathway to the Stars. My lineage is of Abraham Kawai'i. I studied with Tom Cochran ( Sacred Lomi), Jody Mountain (Lineage of light) ,and Kumu Gloria Coppola.
As for Traditional Thai Massage, I started my trainings in 2008. I studied at the internationally recognized Wat Po Traditional Thai Massage school, the school of Massage for Health in Thailand, and many private Thai massage instructors including Master Jack Shaman ( whose student won 2017 World massage championship).
New York City is where I currently live and is one of the best places in the world for medical massage education. This is where I studied Medical massage ,Myofascial Release (Taylor's technique). Anatomy, Myology, Physiology , Orthopedic assessment . I currently holds 42 massage certifications.
My practice is holistic. Human are not just physical beings. We are physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual being. There are relationship of these elements. When one is out of balance, it affects another. At my practice, I embrace all elements that make us a whole. Every part of the body is connected. The deep layer of the muscle is connected to the superficial layer. Muscles at different locations are connected and work together as a system. Body, mind, emotion ,and spirit are connected. All parts are considered as whole and not separated. All styles of massage are interconnected and share universal principles.
Although I offer each style of massage in its purest form, I'm not limited by the name of the style. Each style of massage has its own uniqueness and benefits. Different styles of massage are different tools suitable for different needs of people at particular situation and they are synergists. I integrate specialized types of massage to make my own signature style. If you are not sure which style of massage best suitable for you, I can help you choose what matches your need and I can integrate different styles and customize a session for you.
The focus of my work is about quality of touch. I give fully 100% of my energy holistically to my work and I'm committed to excellence.
I'm a caring, and dedicated Massage Therapist. My work is my passion. I'm very honored to work with clientele to help promote their health and lifestyle. I'm so grateful for all of the appreciation my clients expressed to me.
I acknowledge and honor all my teachers who have inspired and passed down the knowledge and wisdom to me. I am grateful that life has led me to a career that is deeply fulfilling and in alignment of my soul purpose.
I believe in a small business that provides the best service and value. The quality of massage and clients' satisfaction are my top priorities. Feel free to give me a call or text to get more information about the service. Thank you.
"We are manifestation of life, pure in essence and containing the most powerful ingredient that exists in the world: the power to grow"- Virginia Satire
Tia, LMT, graduated from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, Massage Therapy program. Previously, she has a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering and a Master's Degree in Interactive Telecommunications from NYU. She was an engineer and a software developer before life called her to expand herself in the holistic wellness field. She loves traveling, snorkeling, scuba diving, and being in the nature. She also enjoys making organic products such as soaps , hand creams, lib balms, deodorants, and aromatic candles. See photo gallery here.
Certificates of completion :
43. Neurology, Palpation, Pathology & Treatment- Upper Body, Taylor’s technique, New York
NY, September 22,2019
42. Neurology, Palpation, Pathology & Treatment- Lower Body, Taylor’s technique, New York,
NY, September 21,2019
41. Myofascial treatment Level3, The Cylinder of the leg and its compartments, Taylor's
technique, New York, NY, August 2019
40. Myofascial treatment Level3, The Cylinder of the thigh and its compartments Taylor's
technique, New York, NY, August 2019
39. Myofascial treatment Level3, The Cervical spine, Taylor's technique, New York, NY,June
38. Lumbar disc herniations &; Sciatica treatment and management of back pain & lower
extremities disorders Level 2, Taylor's technique, New York, NY, June 2019
37. Carpal Tunnel & Thoracic Syndrome Level2, Myofascial Taylor's technique, New York ,
NY, April 2019
36. Joint mobilization and Connective tissue release (Osteopathic Treatment ) Level 2, Taylor's technique, New York , NY, April 2019
35. Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Level2 : Direct and Indirect Advanced Myofascial Technique
–Taylor Techniques, New York , NY, March 2019
34. Myofascial Assessment, Swedish Institute, New York,NY, 2018
33. Basic Fundamental Myofascial Assessment and Treatment, Swedish Institute, New York
,NY, 2018
32. Full body Myofascial Treatment Level1 , Swedish Institute, New York, NY, Feb18-
31. The Rotator Cuff and Shoulder, Swedish Institute, New York, NY, Jan 2018
30. Lumbrosacral Hip Complex and Acetabulofemoral joint: Myofascial Assessment &
Treatment Swedish Institute, New York, NY, 2018
29. Knee ankle and foot : Myofascial Assessment & Treatment, Swedish Institute , New York ,
NY, 2018
28. Abdomen, Ribcage and Pelvis: Myofascial Assessment and Treatment, Swedish Institute ,
New York , NY, 2018
27. Breast Fascial & Pectoral Girdle : Myofascial Assessment and Treatment , Swedish
Institute , New York , NY, Nov 2018
26. Shoulder, Elbow, And Wrist Myofascial Assessment and Treatment, Swedish Institute,
New York, NY, March 2018
25. TMJ and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Myofascial Assessment and Treatment, Swedish
Institute, New York ,NY, 2018
24. Swedish Institute Certification in Medical Massage: The Strenta Method, Jan16-March
23. Medical Massage: The shoulder/ Pectoral Girdle: Tendonitis, Nerve Entrapment and
rotator cuff issues, Swedish Institute , New York, NY, 2018
22. Working with the neck, Swedish Institute, New York, NY, September 2018
21. Working with the hip, Swedish Institute, New York, NY, September 2018
20. Cadaver Lab workshop with Dr. Joseph Musculino, University of Bridgeport, CT, 2016
19. Facial and Pressure Point for Face and Head Thai Massage, The school of Massage for
Health, Thailand, 2008
18. General Thai Massage 60 Hours, Watpo Traditional Medical School, Thailand, 2010
17. Advanced Thai Medical Massage Therapy, Watpo Thai Traditional Medical and Ayuravate
Association, Thailand, 2014
16. Elbow Thai Massage, The school of Massage for Health, 20 hours, Thailand, 2014
15. Advanced Thai Massage with private instructor Ajarn Wilai Riangpha, New York, NY, 2017
14. Thai Warrior Massage with Master Jack Shaman, Thailand, March 2018
13. Romi Kahuna bodywork mentoring retreat with Kahuna Mist (Gaylene Aitken) , Australia July 2023
12. Lomi Lomi, Ho'omana Spa Maui, March 2023Advanced Lomi Lomi focusing on core and skeletal alignment, Ho'omana Spa Maui, March 2023
11.Prenatal Lomi Lomi ( Hawaiian massage for pregnancy) with Carrie Curtis, Kailua Hawaii, 2022
10. Advanced Lomi Lomi ,Sacred Lomi, 2021
9. Lomi Lomi Neck and Face with Gloria Coppola, 2019
8. Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Temple Bodywork, Sacred Lomi, 2018
7. Lomi Lomi Nui - Kahuna Bodywork, Ancient Hawaii Bodywork, Maui, Hawaii, 2014
6. Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Temple Bodywork, Sacred Lomi, Big Island, Hawaii, 2013
5. Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Temple Bodywork, Sacred Lomi, 2012
4. Working with PTSD as a body worker with Gloria C.Mathiesen ,2022
3. Natural Face Lift Massage, Swedish Institute , New York , NY, 2018
2. Abhyanga Ayurvedic Massage, The Ayurvedic Touch, Pacific College Of Oriental Medicine,
New York, New York, 2016
1. Shirodhara training, New York Ayurveda, New York, NY 2013