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Lomi Lomi is holistic healing arts originated in Hawaii. 

Traditionally, the massage is just one aspect of holistic treatment which also includes Pule ( prayers), Ho’opponopono ( a practice to set things right / to be in alignment/ to resolve conflicts and bring back harmony), La’au Lapa’au (traditional medicinal herbs) , cleanings (with sea salt/steamed bath ).


Lomi Lomi encompasses spirit mind and body connection. The unwritten knowledge of this healing arts was traditionally handed down from generation to generation among family members. A person who were chosen to be trained as healers understood the work comes with responsibility.


Lomi Lomi was practiced before westerners and missionary arrived but it was never documented by any native Hawaiians or practitioners.  Traditionally, the knowledge was passed down verbally only. The first record of the practice was found in the journal of Caption James King, who arrived the island of Hawai'i with Captain Cook in 1779. He observed Lomi Lomi but did not give a name to in in his journal.


There are many lineages of Lomi Lomi. For each lineage, the massage style is different, some styles  have been evolved through the history of Hawaii. However the one thing that is the same in all various styles is the Aloha spirit that flows through the giver and receiver. The style that Tia practices is of Abraham Kawaii's lineage ( explained in later section )


For more information about  history of traditional Hawaiian massage and healing, I recommend the book " Na' Mo'olelo Lomi Lomi by R.Makana Rosser Chai.

For Hawaiian Spirituality , " Hawaiian Spirituality by Kumu Pa'a Lawrence Kalainia Kamani Aki.





What differentiates Lomi Lomi massage from other massage styles mainly is the mindset behind massage techniques.

Lomi practitioner is heart centered and comes from a mindset that everything is connected as one and everything has spirit and voice.  Practitioner views and respects the person on the table as sacred, whole and perfect. There is no separation of her/his body, spirit and mind. 


The sincerity of practitioner's compassionate heart can be felt by recipients via touch.  Because everything is connected, one role of Lomi practitioners is to remove psychological baggage or conflict within themselves (by using ho'opponopono ) so that it doesn't block aka cord (traditional hawaiian teaching has a concept that human connects to all things energetically via aka cord). If the cord is blocked the Mana ( energy ) can not flow through.


Traditionally, Lomi Lomi is a praying work. Practitioner clears the mind, and has sacred task of being the best facilitator that one can be and asks for support of higher intelligence / the source. The quality of the treatment reflects the state of being achieved and lived day to day by the therapist. 








There are many lineages and each lineage the style of Lomi massage is different.

Some styles don't use oil at all and performed on fully clothed recipients on a floor mat.  The style that Tia practices is of Kahu Abraham Kawai'i 's lineage.  Oil is being used. The strokes are connected continuous long flow. The massage engages mindful touch which uses soft part of the forearms and hands to run along the whole body. Draping is required (without exception) to cover private body parts. A session begins with a flying dance ritual ( there is a deeper purpose of it) following by intention setting and ends with a ritual which symbolizes a rebirth to a refreshed state of consciousness or new life. Practitioner also uses breathe work to cultivate mindfulness and to circulate life force.


To clients, the massage feels like a wave of gentle, nurturing, caring touch. The experience is very relaxing.



Some clients come to receive Lomi Lomi just for relaxation and others request Lomi Lomi because it is the modality that integrates spiritual healing aspect.  Tia will consult with you before the session.

The by product of this work regardless your goal results in restoration and a balanced state of body mind and spirit.  Lomi Lomi  temple style massage is relaxing and healing by nature.



The best way to experience Lomi Lomi is to let go of expectation, relax completely and be your most natural state.


Due to spirit-mind-body connection, it is possible for some sensitive people who have past trauma to experience emotional release while the body is being touched. In such case, Tia professionally hold a safe space with compassion and without judging. If you feel like crying, it is okay to cry. There will be no attempt to fix any emotion. Let it surface so that it can be recognized and healed. If you don't feel your emotions, let it be. The more you can relax and be in the most natural state and not helping the therapist, the better it is. There is no expectation of emotional release even if you have past trauma.





To practitioners, Lomi Lomi is more than just a massage technique. Lomi Lomi is a holistic life style. Lomi Lomi is a practice of living life of harmony and balance ( Lokahi) . Lomi practitioners learn to develop spiritual connections to the source, to Ohana (spiritual family/ people/ all the livings), and to Aina ( our land or Mother Earth).


Traditional Hawaiian teachings place high value on harmony balance and unity.  We as human are not more important than any other living beings and we rely on each other in this ecosystem. The Hawaiian ancestors knew the wisdom that human' happiness comes from healthy relationship with all things and because all things are connected, this makes us respect all things in our mother earth. Our family doesn't include just blood lined members, but also extended family which comprise of all the people, animals, all beings , sky, air, water, land, mother earth, the sun , the moon, the universe. It's our responsibility to take care of each other.


Through life, we sometimes make mistakes. When things are not in Pono we often experience it in a form of unhappiness /conflict /no peace in the heart or feeling isolated, Lomi Lomi practitioner learn self-healing tools which includes Ho’oponopono (a system to resolve conflicts via forgiveness ). This lifestyle leads to alignment , peace happiness ,harmony and unity /oneness of all.






I used to be a software engineer. In 2013 when I went to a Lomi lomi retreat in Hawaii ( Sacred Lomi retreat ), I experienced a personal transformation. I heard my voice and most importantly had a courage to follow my heart's calling.  When I returned to New York, I decided to change a career. Today, I feel my career as a massage therapist aligns with my soul purpose, It is my passion and it fulfills me to help people.  I named my website LOMI MANHATTAN to honor the transformation I went through. 


Although I practice many styles of massages, Lomi Lomi is closet to my heart because of its spirituality and the personal growth that comes from practicing it. I applied Lomi principles internally with other styles of massage I practice . This makes my touch very present and energetically healing.


The spirit of the massage is beyond physical realm.  Lomi Lomi teaches me about living life in alignment , how to hold space, how to facilitate the healing processes of myself and my clients. It encourages me to live Aloha. 


Lomi Lomi connected me with wonderful supporting Oha'na (other Lomi practitioners which we consider our extended family). Without Lomi brothers and sisters in Sacred Lomi Oha'na I had no other supportive system when I needed support in the past. I'm deeply grateful.


We are portal of light and I'm very honored to be a part of this beautiful work. My intention is to share this sacred healing arts to people who need healing while taking responsibility to be in pono with the spirit and integrity of the work.


I started Lomi trainings in 2012 and continue to grow and expand. My lineage is of Abraham Kawai'i. I studied with Tom Cochran ( Sacred Lomi) , Jody Mountain , and Gloria Coppola. I acknowledge all my teachers and their teachings. I am grateful for all the knowledge and wisdom passed to me.

I'm a life long learner and I continue to learn more. I am open to take what moves me toward love peace, healing  harmony and unity .I hope to see you and share the love of my work with you.

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